Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Visit to San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Imagine walking around with a Bigma, a 100 macro, 70-200 MK II in the San Diego Zoo Safari cetera et cetera.  How to I put this... It's freaking heavy!  Boohoo.  Poor me!  But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to get the shots you want.

With a monopod on the Bigma, I was able to produce the shots above.  A group of us also visited the Butterfly Jungle Exhibit.  I've never been so close to many butterflies before.

It was an amazing experience.  The butterflies actually land on you!  Near the Butterfly Exhibit are these birds below (I tried looking for the name but I couldn't find it quickly at the SDZSP site).

That was another cool experience.  People are able to feed these beautiful and friendly birds provided by the park attendants.  Here are a few more bird images from the park.

Photography will be the end of me.  I'm trying to keep it together and not become a Bird Photographer!  It'll require to buy a new set of lenses. =*(  Flaaaaaammmminnngggooos!

Someone has to be different.
Don't forget the gorrrrriiilllasss!!!  There were a lot of people just hanging around the Gorrilla Forest.

Time for siesta!
Here are the other mammals that I saw.

There were a whole lot more to see and photograph at the park.  I can't wait to go back.  I had a great time that day.  And of course I can't end this blog entry without these...

If you are reading this paragraph, you are awesome. =)  Special thanks to my photography friend Neal, John and the So Cal Photo Explorers Group for giving me the opportunity to improve my photography.

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